Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ron Paul Liberty Dollar Confiscated by Government Goons!

Larken Rose
Well, it was true: our wonderful protectors who work for the
federal government just pulled off a massive armed robbery. Based
on a few questions I got, I should give a little more info.

The "Liberty Dollar" is an alternative to the constantly devalued
"Federal Reserve Notes" (what most people call "dollars"). In
short, the Liberty Dollar is what all paper currency USED to be: a
representation of actual silver or gold. The Liberty Dollar comes
in coins made of precious metals, but it also comes as pieces of
paper (lots better-looking that FRN's) which represent gold and
silver. In other words, in a warehouse there is actual silver or
gold which each paper Liberty Dollar represents. So people can
trade with the paper, and they're exchanging ownership of the
actual silver or gold sitting in the warehouse.

Fed-issued currency, on the other hand, is backed by NOTHING. They
make up more constantly, out of thin air, which results in
"inflation." In short, it amounts to counterfeiting--making up new
money, which makes all the money already in circulation worth less
than it was before.

Because it is backed by silver and gold, the Liberty Dollar is
inflation-proof. In short, if we all traded in LD's, the fed would
go out of business, and inflation would disappear. And tyrants
would have a lot less power, which is why the federal Gestapo
committed armed robbery this morning on the Liberty Dollar offices:
to protect the power of tyrants.

Luckily, most of the silver and gold of Liberty Dollars is in
private hands. However, about a million dollars of the actual
silver and gold, represented by paper Liberty Dollars in the hands
of lots of different people, was stolen by the feds. In other
words, all those people holding the paper LD's were robbed of the
gold/silver which the currency represents. (So you can see why I
was more than a bit huffy in my last message.) If any lawyers are
reading this, I highly suggest an immediate, class-action motion
under Rule 41(g) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedural, to
retrieve the gold and silver owned by all those holding paper LD's.

The legal excuse for the robbery is unclear at this point, except
that a while ago the U.S. Mint made the false allegation that
Liberty Dollars might violate federal currency laws--even though
top U.S. officials have previously stated that that is NOT the
case. But the "legal" excuse is irrelevant. The real reason is the
preservation of power of megalomaniacs.

But there is another "detail" I didn't mention in my last message.
Not only does the robbery protect the Federal Reserve's fiat
currency scam, but as it happens, a rather large shipment of newly
minted Liberty Dollars, with RON PAUL'S face on them, was also
stolen. Golly gee, you don't think the Bush administration would
steal them to try to keep an ACTUAL Constitutionalist out of power,
do you? (If you don't think he would, you're an idiot.) Imagine a
TON (literally) of Liberty Dollars with Ron Paul's face on them,
circulating around the country. No wonder the federal fascists
stole them all before that could happen.


Larken Rose

Big Gold & Silver Robbery!!!

Larken Rose
(The following is based upon recently received information, which I
assume to be accurate. A message went out, claiming to be from
Bernard von NotHaus, the "head dude" at Liberty Dollar, reporting
the following. I'll let you know if I get more confirmation of its

But we neeeeeeeeeed "government" to protect us! From what? How
about from armed robbers?

Well, a dozen armed robbers just pulled off what is probably the
biggest precious metals heist in this country in a very long time.
Somewhere around a million dollars in gold, silver, and platinum
were stolen this morning by a dozen armed thugs. Unfortunately, the
crooks got away. But don't worry, the government is on the case!

Unfortunately, they're "on the case" going after the VICTIMS of
this crime. You see, the armed robbers were agents of the FBI and
the Secret Service, and the victim was the "Liberty Dollar"
organization--not to mention all the people who rightfully OWNED
the stolen property.

I probably don't have to tell you the motive: the folks at Liberty
Dollar, by offering an inflation-proof, precious-metals-backed
currency, were messing with one of the tyrants' biggest power
games: the robbery-via-"inflation" game. And in the land of the
free, this is what happens when you threaten the megalomaniacs'
power. Never mind that the Liberty Dollar is perfectly legal, as
confirmed by U.S. officials. To hell with the law; there is POWER
at stake, and you can bet that that "goddamn piece of paper" (as
Bush called the Constitution) isn't going to stop Fuhrer W. and his
jackboots from living out their little power trip fantasies.

So, are all you "limited government" Republicans proud of the
regime you created? Is this fascist empire what you wanted? Let's
see: "your" party got the House, the Senate, and the White House.
And years later, what do you have to show for it? The biggest
federal budget ever? The creation of the biggest federal
bureaucracy ever? Wow, good thing the Democrats didn't get into
power, or we'd be seeing the growth of "big government."

Wake up and smell the jackboots.

If you actually support the Bush regime, then put the damn swastika
on your sleeve and be honest about it. If, on the other hand, you
actually believe in "limited government," and you insist on
engaging in the insane ritual of voting, then how about supporting
the ONLY one in the presidential race (from either party) who ISN'T
a devout collectivist, national socialist? And I don't want to hear
any crap about "wasting your vote" on someone who can't win, or
down the road, you can proudly tell your kids how you voted for the
fascist/socialist who won, instead of the guy with PRINCIPLES who
didn't. Yeah, there's something to be proud of. Again, for those
who believe in the "election" ritual, you have two choices: Ron
Paul, or totalitarianism. I don't know how much more proof of that
you could possibly need.


Larken Rose