This the best compact immersion course in freedom philosophy on the net. If you are serious about freedom in your lifetime then you MUST graduate from this course. It is easy to do but challenging. YOU CAN DO IT!
Welcome! TOLFA offers what everyone values most: FREEDOM.
It's free of charge - but not free of cost. You'll have to work at it; there may be some brain-strain. You'll learn things they never taught you in government school - you may even need to do some UN-learning. To help, the person who led you here will be your "mentor" (or if you arrived by yourself be sure to request one here) and when you've graduated to full Membership in the Academy, you'll want to help a few friends you bring to it (suggested: one or more a year.) That's TOLFA's "mentor" system and it will lead quickly to explosive growth.
You'll gain a deep sense of freedom, as you discover things never seen before. That benefit will come at once. Its larger benefit will come when most of society - scores of millions - has graduated, by some time in the 2020s. Then, the whole country will be free. TOLFA's aim is nothing less.
So: ready to start? - then let's go! Click here to see your Study Plan.