Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Freedom Shenanigan #32 - Throwing Shoes at Power

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!!Freedom Shenanigan #32!!
Throwing Shoes at Power!!

(Well actually, "Speaking Shoes to Power!")

Allrighty then!!! I've been waiting for a Freedom Shenanigan to make #30!
Here it is! What a great idea to reinforce the displeasure people have with the Bush administration and the general direction of American policy both foreign and domistic. I suggest using the USPS Priority Mail Flat rate envelope. Do it TODAY!!!

From Bill Sanders via DAWN_198@msn.com

Please forward to all your lists and join the campaign. Demand the
release of the Iraqi journalist Muntazer Al-Zeidi and flood the White
House with old shoes. Speaking Shoes to Power Campaign!

Via Facebook:

In solidarity with and in support of the brave Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zeidi, I am organizing a flood the White House with your Smelly Old Shoes campaign. From today until his last day in office, we should send Mr. Bush every smelly old shoe that we can find at home or in the street to express our true feelings to a "Job Well-Done"! With his shoes Muntazer al-Zeidi spoke for millions of people and he stands as a hero for speaking Shoes to Power. Below is the address and make sure to send it immediately.

Mailing Address

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500