Friday, September 11, 2009

Lying by Omission

What the "Media" reported:

(from Chicago Tribune Washington News Bureau)
by Mark Silva

"You lie,'' Republican Rep. Joe Wilson called out in the middle of President Barack Obama's speech to a joint session of Congress.
"That's not true,'' Obama replied from the dais.
Wilson later apologized for a "lack of civility'' in challenging the president in this manner on the question of support for illegal immigrants in the health-care legislation. Neither the House nor Senate bills offers health care for the undocumented.
"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me," the South Carolina Republican said in a statement. issued by his office. "While I disagree with the president's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the president for this lack of civility."
Wilson's outburst followed Obama's assurance to Congress and a television-viewing public that the undocumented will not benefit from the health care insurance that he is seeking for the uninsured.
Wilson's behavior was "totally disrespectful," Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an appearance on CNN. "There is no place for it in that setting, or any other, and he should apologize for it immediately."
Presidential addresses to a joint session outside of the annual State of the Union address are rare. So is such an outburst. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said: "I have never in my 29 years heard an outburst of that nature with reference to a president of the United States speaking as a guest of the House and Senate."

Below, courtesy of Media Matters, is a section of HR 3200 on the subject on which the congressman crossed swords with the president.

What the TRUTH IS!!! (Thanks to ThommyT)

CLICK FACT CHECK: Health coverage for illegal immigrants CLICK

Obama, the impostor, fake president is the liar. The reason is because he knows that the democrats defeated two addendums to that provision which would effectively take the teeth out of the legislation.
First, they didn't include a provision as to HOW they would ENFORCE that part of the bill. Second, they took out a provision which would have required PROOF of legal status before availing oneself of the benefits......The practical effect of that is the law would become a toothless, forgotten RELIC as the illegals would click up their heels enjoying free health care from the sweat of our backs. Wilson knows this and THAT'S WHY HE GOT PISSED............

This is how Obama does EVERYTHING. He doesn't "lie," but HE LIES..... How else would a NOVICE politician with no record and no experience, who announced his candidacy with only 143 days in as a U.S. Senator become PRESIDENT of the United States? Run as a moderate. Conceal who you truly are and then unleash a radically left agenda once you gain power. This is precisely what he taught as a radical-reformer community activist. It is well-documented fact and can be confirmed and corroborated by ethical scholar Stanley Kurtz who wrote an article about Obama entitled "Senator Stealth: How To Put Forth A Radical Agenda Without Anyone Knowing." It is about ten pages but its well worth the read. Then you'll see just how in-the-tank the media was and still is for him, and how complicit the media was and still is in HIDING from the American public just exactly WHO this guy is.......When you voted for him, did you know who he REALLY was? Did you ask questions? Did you read up?
Everything about who he appoints (tax cheats, Marxists/racists) should tell you SOMETHING..........

Senator Stealth
has become "president stealth." This is because of all his "Czars...." These are the people with whom he does the real business of governing the country.But he doesn't want you to KNOW that. In the time he has been "president," he has had very FEW formal meetings with Cabinet members (Secretaries of the various departments of government). These are people who are VETTED and properly approved by the House and Senate...
But these "Czars" have NO vetting process and escape the scrutiny of our legislature. He just picks who he wants and they go to work for him... And these people are the ones who truly, REALLY pull the strings of government. People like radical racist Van Jones. People like his health "Czar," who believes in human sterilization and government imposed abortions.........The Secretaries are the ones on the front lines and are more or less centrist or moderate. But the real weirdo , way-out lefties who he really wants to run things are HIDDEN as these non-vetted, non-congressionally approved "Czars..." Has anyone heard of the guy he appointed who says that animals should have the right to sue human beings in their own status as an animal? These people are WACK JOBS ....

The Fathers of this country are spinning like the wheels of an Indy race car in their graves. And these are the people this guy picks to run the country on a day-to-day basis......
Open your eyes.This about power and the VOTES to keep that power. He got the banks and then he got the car industry. If you follow the Socialist's manifesto, you know health care's gotta come next because its MILLIONS of votes. And if you got a brain in your head, you know that votes mean you STAY in power. If you let him, this guy will "smile" and "charm" you right into the poorhouse with the taxes he will make you pay paying for everybody else who doesn't want to work.....Do you really want this administration to be in control of one-fifth of the nation's economy (health care) when it can't even run "Cash for Clunkers?" Yes, car dealers are STILL waiting for their money.....

And keep this in mind.... This FRAUD of a "president" wanted to pass YOUR health care legislation in less time than it took him to pick out his friggin' DOG.....
Look deeper than the Oprah Winfrey-spun euphoria and sheep-like zombies with their loving smiles that blindly follow this affirmative action clown. Don't let the talking heads cover for him as he leads us down the road to destruction of this country and destruction of the wonderful principles millions of courageous PATRIOTS died to establish and PROTECT.......