Sunday, October 07, 2007
We would like everyone who can to give the U.S. Marshal's office in New Hampshire a call and ask them to locate Ed. Ask why Ed has not been handed over to to the Federal Bureau of Prisons yet. Ask them how Ed is being treated, if he has been hospitalized, if he's still alive even (we have no way of knowing), if he is being submitted to "diesel therapy" as described in the last post we made. Take down names, employee numbers, dates/times to reference the call, whatever you can to have a record! DEMAND for answers! They've got Ed like they always wanted, why isn't he handed over to the prison? WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HIM? HOW IS HE BEING TREATED?!?! We don't and can't give legal advice of any kind. We believe it may be perfectly "legal" or lawful to record your conversations with the Marshal's office if you tell them that you are recording. If you do, you can send us the sound file or post it on the Internet somewhere. WE NEED A RECORD. Please read the following story about how Fascist FEDGOV treated former Congressman George Hansen to see what we mean by diesel therapy!!!. U.S. Marshall''s office 603-225-1632 Where Are Ed and Elaine? Is Ed being TORTURED?
Click here for more.