Saturday, June 27, 2009

Freedom Shenanigan # 38 - Join

So innocent, so simple, so sticky.
What can you do with a Post-it note? Fight the fascist State with them! MMmmbbwwaahahaha!

Freedom Shenanigan # 38

Founded in August 2008, CameraFRAUD has been a leader in the fight against automated ticketing. Operating originally in the Phoenix-metro area, CameraFRAUD now has affiliates in seven states plus the District of Columbia.
Well known for its “sign wave” demonstrations, the organization has pushed the backlash against the cameras to the forefront of Arizona politics with a complete volunteer-based campaign.
Because of enormous grassroots support, CameraFRAUD members in Arizona alone outnumber Redflex and ATS employees almost three to one, contributing to our success as an aggressive on-the-street watchdog of both companies.
Our mission is simple, our slogan basic: The Cameras are Coming Down…
