Monday, February 18, 2008

Five Easy Steps To Create A Manchurian Candidate


An armed America


Horrific violence and mass murders committed by people with guns


Draconian antigun laws which disarm America

The CIA’s version of Hegel’s Dialectic omits the Thesis, their version starts with the antithesis:

Crisis Creation replaces Antithesis:

Horrific violence and mass murders committed by people with guns, who were either programmed or in the employee of the CIA or other government agencies

Crisis Solution replaces Synthesis:

Draconian gun laws which take the guns away from everyone, including law abiding citizens.

Crisis Control Becomes the New Thesis

In the case of gun violence, the new thesis will resemble a police state, where only the government will have guns

To further illustrate the point. America is a nation full of guns and guaranteed the right to own and bear arms, by the Constitution of the United States.

America cannot be taken over by the New World Order and their socialist/communist agenda, if Americans are armed, (this is the Thesis, an armed citizenry), therefore conditions must be created that will cause the American public to demand that their Constitutional right to bear arms be rescinded.

These created conditions are called "The Antithesis" by Hegel; it is called Crisis Creation by the CIA. In the case of an armed citizenry, the antithesis, or anti-thesis, is random, senseless and horrific murders using guns as the weapon.

When these two conditions, i.e.; an armed citizenry and horrific gun violence, exist simultaneously, public hysteria can be whipped up making the public demand that their Congressional representatives outlaw all guns. This is called "The Synthesis" by Hegel; or Crisis Solution by the CIA..

The "synthesis" then becomes the new "Thesis" for a new triad in Hegel’s Dialectic. In the CIA’s version of Hegel’s Dialectic, the synthesis i.e.; the Crisis Solution brings about the new Thesis which is called: Crisis Control.

When Hitler wanted to wipe Jewish DNA from all of Europe, he created similar "antithesis" conditions which allowed the passage of similar anti gun laws. If all Jews in Germany had been armed, how easy would it have been for Hitler to send them to concentration camps? An armed citizenry can protect itself from its government.

Hitler’s plan to eliminate all gun from German citizens was so successful that Connecticut Senator Thomas J. Dodd, father of today’s Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, used Hitler’s model to frame the Gun Control Act of 1968. (More information at end of article.)